Support Services

Before School and After School Learning

Before and after school remediation classes are offered for students who are having difficulty meeting grade-level expectations in reading or mathematics.  Enrollment is based on students' needs. Your child's teacher will contact you about these learning opportunities.

Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.)

Richland's GATE learning opportunities are designed to meet the unique needs of students who demonstrate outstanding aptitude or competence in one or more of the following categories: intellectual, creative, academic, leadership, high achievement, and performing and visual arts. Students may be assessed beginning in third grade with a multiple criteria identification process. Students are screened based on teachers' and/or parents' recommendations.

Student Study Team (SST)

Students experiencing academic, language, behavioral, or emotional difficulties can be referred by a teacher, parent, or administrator to the Student Study Team (SST). The SST includes parents, classroom teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, administrator, education specialist and intervention specialist. The purpose of the SST team is to review the needs of the child and develop a plan for success.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Children's mental health, which includes the ability to work cooperatively with others and to regulate their emotions and behavior, is vital to their success in school. Richland's counselor works with groups of students to address their social and emotional needs in support of San Marcos Unified School District's mission to ensure each student acquires the necessary habits of mind, behavior, and attitudes essential for success.

Speech Therapy

Students are referred for screening and/or assessment by teachers or parents. Parents are welcome to contact the school regarding assistance in this important area.

Specialized Academic Instruction

Children who have been identified as having a disability which impacts learning and who require special education to make progress receive Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI). Working together, parents, teachers, and other appropriate personnel develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to target each child's identified needs.

Intervention Programs

Richland's Intervention Specialist works with teachers and administration to analyze students' academic achievement data and identify and provide supports for children in general education classes. Interventions are flexible, based on need, and students' progress is monitored and communicated to parents.

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